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Dongwoo Jang

Steering Committee member of Flash Flood Program (FFP)

Name: Dongwoo Jang
Affiliation: Incheon National University
Country: Rep. of Korea
E-mail: jdw@inu.ac.kr

Dr. Dongwoo Jang is currently assistant professor at department of Civil &Environmental Engineering, Incheon National University, Rep. of Korea. Dongwoo Jang worked in K-water and ICUH (International Center for Urban Water Hydroinformatics Research & Innovation) as a researcher from 2011 to 2014. Dongwoo Jang is committee members in ‘Seoul Private Investment Project Evaluation Committee' and 'Incheon City Sewer Advisory Committee’ since 2019 and ‘Incheon City Regional Construction Technology Deliberation Committee’ and ‘Metropolitan Landfill Management Corporation Technical Advisory Committee’ since 2020. From 2018 Dongwoo Jang operates 'Korea-EU educational cooperation program’ which is supported by Ministry of Education, Korea. Also participating in a study to reduce maintenance costs through real-time measurement of water supply systems which is supported by the Ministry of Environment, Korea. Dongwoo Jang has specialty in Smart Water Grid, water distribution systems, Water balance and drought assessment, numerical analysis in river hydraulics and water quality assessment. Dongwoo jang is member of Society of Smart Water Grid, American Society of civil Engineers (ASCE), Member of International Water Association (IWA) and Member of International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR).