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Dedi Liu

Steering Committee member of Flash Flood Program (FFP)

Name: Dedi Liu
Affiliation: Wuhan University
Country: China
E-mail: dediliu@whu.edu.cn

Prof. Dedi Liu is a professor in Hydrology and water resources management at the department of hydrology and water resources, Wuhan University, China. He served as the vice chairman of hydrology statistics branch of Chinese National Committee for International Association of Hydrological Sciences. His research interests mainly focuses on hydrology statistics, hydrological modelling and water resources management. He has got five projects from the national nature sciences foundation of China as PI and has published over 90 papers in peer-reviewed Jjournals. A water resources allocation model that he developed has been widely implemented in Guangdong and Hubei provinces. His research activities also includes the theories on resilience, risks under the changing context, especially the flood frequency for the design and investigation on flash floods under the nonstationary conditions. He has also obtained four Scientific and Technological Progress Prizes from Guangdong Province, Hubei Province and the Ministry of eEducation, China due tobecause of his fantastic work on hydrology and water resources management.