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Jiyang Tian

Steering Committee member of Flash Flood Program (FFP)

Name: Jiyang Tian
Affiliation: China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research
Country: China
E-mail: tjyshd@126.com

Prof. Jiyang Tian as the leader or backbone of scientific research, he has participated in the national international science and technology cooperation project, the national natural science fund project, the national water pollution control and governance science and technology major project, the special fund water conservancy project in the central financial budget, the public welfare industry research project of the Ministry of Water Resources, the performance evaluation pilot project of the Ministry of Water Resources, the general project of China Postdoctoral Science Foundation and nearly 30 other provincial, ministerial and local scientific research projects. One Youth Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, two thematic projects of the National Key R & D Plan, and one Youth Scientific Research Project of the Chinese Academy of Water Resources and Hydropower are being chaired.

A total of 43 academic papers were published by applicants, including 15 SCI papers ( cumulative impact factor 56.27, 38.61 ), 6 EI papers, 8 Chinese core papers, and 5 international conference papers ; Publish three monographs ; 30 authorized invention patents and 8 utility model patents ; Fifteen software copyrights have been obtained.