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Wenchuan Wang

Steering Committee member of Flash Flood Program (FFP)

Name: Wenchuan Wang
Affiliation: North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power
Country: China
E-mail: wangwen1621@163.com

Prof. Wenchuan Wang iscurrently professor working at of North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power. As the team leader, the team has been named as the first batch of Henan provincial university teachers' team and Also has been selected as "Hydrology and Water Resources Systems Analysis and Management" technology innovation team of Universities in Henan Province. Prof. Wang has been rated one of the university iesand technological innovation talents of Henan Province, and the Eengineering leader inof Hhydrology and Wwater Rresources of national water Conservancy University. Some innovative work has been done in flood forecasting theory coupled with multi-intelligence algorithm and parameter intelligent optimization of water resources system model. More than 120 papers have been published in the Journal of Hydrology, Water Resources Management and other domestic and foreign journalsin this field, among whichand 22 papers cited by SCI have been cited for 1132 times in WOS, with the highest single citation of 419 times, 3 papers in ESI top 1%, 25 papers cited in EI, 14 published works and textbookspublished, and 8 software Ccopyrights. Innovative work has been cited by 7 academician teams at home and abroad,including Aacademician Sorooshian S. of the American Academy of Engineering, Academician Xu Chongyu of the Royal Norwegian Academy of Sciences, Academician Kisi O. of the Turkish Academy of Sciences, Academician Huang Guohe of the Canadian Academy of Engineering, Academician Xia Jun of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Academician Wang Hao of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and Academician Kang Shaozhong of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and reviewed as "using chaotic variables to find another better solution in the current neighborhood area of optimum solution", "is a successful application of mid- and long-term runoff forecasting", " much valuable work  on hydrology and hydrological predictionoccurs at catchment and small scales", etc.. Prof. WangwasThe achievements were awarded 4 provincial and ministerial science and technology awardsfor his achievements.