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Shunfu Zhang

Name: Shunfu Zhang
Affiliation: China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research (IWHR)
Country: China
E-mail: zhangsf@iwhr.com
Shunfu Zhang, PhD, senior engineer. China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research (IWHR), member of the National Mountain Flood Disaster Prevention and Control Project Team, major in seepage control, water and soil conservation analysis,flash flood disaster prevention, risk analysis and early warning and forecasting of rainstorm and flood in small basins. He has participated in the development of various calculation programs such as GWSS. Participated in the working group of flood control and flood fighting for the major flood in the mainstream of Heilongjiang Province in 2013 and the flood in the main stream of the Yangtze River in 2016. He participated in 5 national projects, more than 10 provincial and ministerial scientific research projects, 3 international cooperation projects. 
He has written 6 books, published more than 40 papers (over 20 SCI/EI) and more than 30 research reports. In addition, it has won 1 first prizes, 1 second prizes, 2 third prizes provincial scientific and technological progress award.