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Juan Lvu

Steering Committee member of Flash Flood Program (FFP)

Name: Juan Lvu
Affiliation: China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research
Country: China
E-mail: lujuan@iwhr.com

Lvu Juan, Master of Hydrology and Water Resources, She is the Director of Drought and Countermeasures Research Department of Flood Control and Disaster Reduction Institute of China Academy of Water Resources and Hydropower Research ( Flood Control and Drought Relief Engineering Technology Research Center of Ministry of Water Resources ). In 1989, it began to engage in technical research on flood control and drought relief and made some achievements in the compilation of flood and drought disasters and socio-economic basic data, the design and development of flood and drought disaster database and information system, the evaluation of economic losses caused by flood and drought disasters, and macro research. Has participated in or presided over the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Water Resources, the National Defense Office, the local water conservancy department and the Chinese Academy of Water Sciences special projects, more than thirty projects, including national science and technology research projects, ' 948 ' introduction, ' 948 ' innovation projects. The research results were awarded the second-class prize for outstanding achievements of China Earthquake Administration, the first-class prize for scientific and technological application achievements of China Academy of Water Sciences, and the second-class prize for papers of Youth Academic Exchange of China Academy of Water Sciences. He participated in many international and domestic academic exchanges, published more than 30 papers and translations, wrote more than 10 research reports, and participated in the publication of three atlases and many monographs. Many results have been applied, and achieved good economic and social benefits.