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Wenjun Chen

Steering Committee member of Flash Flood Program (FFP)

Name: Wenjun Chen
Affiliation: Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarter (Department of Emergency Management of Shaanxi Province)
Country: China
E-mail: sxcwj@163.com


From July 1981 to June 2004, Mr. Wenjun Chen worked in Shaanxi Hydrology and Water Resources Survey Bureau and served as the station head, chief of technology department, deputy captain and director of branch bureau, deputy secretary of provincial party committee, executive deputy director and senior engineer;

From July 2004 to September 2018, he worked in the Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarter of Shaanxi Province, and served as the deputy director, chief engineer, director of the project construction office, and deputy chief engineer of Shaanxi Provincial Department of Water Resources.
Since September, 2018, he has worked in Shaanxi Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarter and the Department of Emergency Management ,serving as the director of the headquarter, Flood Control and Drought Relief Division of the department and Flood Control and Drought Relief Support Center.

Mr Chen has been engaged in hydrological and water resources information forecasting and flood control and drought relief. At critical moments of previous rainstorm and flood monitoring and early warning and flood control and disaster relief, he made accurate prediction and judgment and quick warning, and took measures in time, gave effective direction, and went to the front line of flood control and drought several times. He participated in the response to major disasters such as the catastrophic flood in Han River in Shaanxi Ankang in August 1983 , the flood in Weihe River in August 2003, the debris flow, landslide and Weihe River dike breach caused by rainstorm flood in AnKang in July 2010, the Yellow River control infrastructure collapse in September 2012, Yan' an torrential rain in July 2013, flood engulfing Suide County of Yulin City in July 2017 , as well as droughts in northern and central Shaanxi.
Over the years, he has been in charge of the review of comprehensive plans for controlling Weihe River and Han River, and the technical review of flood control projects about important tributaries, small and medium rivers and flash-flood-prone valleys. He is responsible for the development and management of flood control and drought relief command system and flash flood prevention projects, and participated in the investigation and assessment of national flood control and drought relief command system and flash floods, formulation of technical plans and standards for monitoring and early warning as an expert in flash flood prevention and control, water resources argumentation of the Ministry of Water Resources and flood control and drought relief and emergency command in Shaanxi Province.

Because Mr. Chen made correct decisions and contributed to protecting people's lives and property safety and water security in flood control and drought relief, he was granted the title of "Advanced Worker (Model Worker)" by the provincial party committee and government.