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Philippe Gourbesville

Steering Committee coordinator of Flash Flood Program (FFP)

Name: Philippe Gourbesville
Affiliation: Polytech Nice-Sophia
Université Côte d’Azur
Country: France
E-mail: Philippe.GOURBESVILLE@univ-cotedazur.fr

Prof. Philippe Gourbesville is currently professor of Hydroinformatics at Polytech Nice Sophia, the graduate school of engineering of Université Côte d’Azur, France, since 1997. Philippe served as director of the school from 2007 to 2017. Philippe initiated the Tianjin International Engineering Institute with Tianjin University and is currently serving as French director of the school. Since 2004, Philippe is the coordinator 2004 of EuroAquae consortium (www.euroaquae.org) gathering 5 awarding European universities (France, Germany, Poland, UK, Spain) and 11 international universities that deliver the first joint Master of Sciences in Hydroinformatics and Water Management under the Erasmus Mundus framework. Since 2000, Philippe is also coordinating an international intensive course called HydroEurope/WaterEurope dedicated to the use of modeling tools for flood management. The concept is currently used for HydroAsia since 2007 and HydroLatinAmerica since 2009. In parallel, with his team, Philippe is developing research activities focused on numerical modeling technics for urban waters management, flood and risk assessment, resilience assessment and promotion, data acquisition and ICT technologies for smart water and risks management. His team has been involved continuously in many European Commission founded projects under the FP6, FP7 and H2020 frameworks in addition to specific bilateral international programs. Philippe has been involved in many projects in Asian countries. In 2011, Philippe has received by the Hydrotechnic Society of France (SHF) the Special Hydrotechnic Award. Since 2010, Philippe has initiated the SimHydro conferences cycle focused on innovation in numerical modelling for water. Philippe chairs the Water Sciences Division of the SHF since 2012 and is an active member in several scientific organisations such as IAHR since 1993. He is Editor in Chief of La Houille Blanche journal, associate editor of Journal of Hydroinformatics and Journal of Applied Water Engineering and Research. Philippe is invited and honorary professor in more than 15 international universities. In 2018, he has received the international cooperation award from the Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower research (IWHR) in China. He is also one of the founding members of the Asian Water Council (AWC) and vice president since 2015.